2025-2027 COUNCIL YEARS ELECTIONS   GhIE 55th AGM & Conference - 25/03/2025 to 28/03/2025   JGhIE : Call for Papers, Case Studies, Reviews, and Technical Notes Submissions
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JGhIE :Call for Submissions

Engineering Centre 13 Contintental Rd,Roman Ridge, Roman Ridge Accra

Call for Submission You are kindly invited to visit www.ghiejournal.com for more information and submission of papers for publication in the journal  

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Delving into Leadership Prospects beyond Student Sphere

Via Zoom Accra

Delving into Leadership Prospects beyond Student Sphere 🌟 Elevate Your Leadership Potential: Unleash Excellence! 🌟 📆 Mark your calendars: *August 26th, 2023* 🚀 Are you a student leader or a […]