In order to professionalize artisans, there is the need to provide them with training, certify them, equip them with tools and finally promote them so that jobs come their way. The Ghana Institution of Engineering (GhIE) in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI), Vodafone Ghana Limited, Consolidated Bank Ghana Limited (CBG) and Bosch have established the Professionalization of Artisans Project (ProfArts) which aims to do just that.
The program envisages enrolling 20,000 artisans from all over the country. The program is expected by its completion to transform artisans in the construction industry into a viable, professional, well resourced and capable work force. This is expected to transform their economic well being as well as improving the reliability and quality of their work output.
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