2025-2027 COUNCIL YEARS ELECTIONS   GhIE 55th AGM & Conference - 25/03/2025 to 28/03/2025   JGhIE : Call for Papers, Case Studies, Reviews, and Technical Notes Submissions
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Project Management for Engineers


Project Management Training for Engineers in collaboration with GhlE
Course Objectives:
1. Identify the key activities in the project life cycle.

2. Capture valuable project lessons and use them to define and project management practices within your organization.

3. Develop action plans for continuing to expand your project management knowledge.
Learning outcomes
1. Understand the current state of the project management profession.

2. Apply project management tools and techniques. ( For 49 processes )

3. Understand project management terminology with a focus on the PMI PMBOK.

4. Understand the gap between academia and industry.

5. Apply leadership for project management success.

6. Understand the urgency to use project management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to solve societal problems.

Event Details


Radach Lodge, Tamale
Tamale, Ghana
