Executive Director, Ing David K. Nyante (middle) and Ing Hector Boye (left) receiving the books on behalf of GhIE.
The Ghana
Institution of Engineering (GhIE) on Wednesday July 14, 2021 was presented with
books, thesis and journals of the late Ing. Prof. KwesiAndam (PP 1999-2000) by
his wife Prof. Aba BentilAndam.
Presenting the
books on behalf of his family, Prof. Aba BentilAndam indicated that the
presentation was to support efforts of the GhIE in ensuring that, the needed
transformation for the benefit of engineering practitioners in Ghana could be
upheld through research and knowledge sharing.
Executive Director of the GhIE, Ing David K. Nyante in his remarks expressed
gratitude for the kind gesture and conveyed the Institution’s profound delight
and honor to receive the donation. “We are confident that this donation to the GhIE
by the family of Ing. Prof. KwesiAndam would inure to the benefit ofmembers and
will be a memorial to our Past President.
The presentation is available at the GhIE